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PHP vs Python for Web Applications: The Battle Continues

  • By Hidden Brains
  • January 22, 2020

PHP vs Python

When it comes to backend development, PHP and Python are the most popular choices of enterprise, startups, businesses, as well as developers. The robustness of both programming languages continues to be the reason for phenomenal growth. However, the question of PHP vs Python for web applications continues. Many of today’s programmers completely ignore the fundamental principles of sound programming and they spend a large amount of time fantasizing new layers of complexity.

World’s most popular CMS, WordPress is built in PHP. Similarly, two of the leading open source ecommerce platforms, Magento and WooCommerce are built in PHP. On the other hand, Python offer several Django powered CMS. While several websites are programmed in PHP, Python has been witnessing a steep upward trend in the past two years. This blog will provide quick comparative analysis between PHP vs Python, as well as select PHP development company or Python development company for your project.


Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python programming language lets you work in an efficient manner and create integrated systems more effectively. It is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Python emphasizes more on code readability, notably using significant whitespace and provides “constructs” for very clear programming on both small and large scales.


PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (or simply PHP) is a general-purpose programming language originally designed for web development. Ever since its launch and inception, PHP has changed a lot since then and today PHP can be used to build enterprise-level applications. Just considering PHP as a framework in itself is not wrong. PHP can be used for developing web applications written entirely in a procedural C.

Right from real estate software solutions to healthcare software solutions, PHP is helping different industries to build robust web applications.

PHP vs. Python? Which one works for you

PHP and Python are the most popular web development languages today empowering the most popular websites on the Internet today. This battle between PHP vs. Python continues. It is a contentious issue of development. However, this question is particularly important for beginners who wish to make it big in web development.

Whether you are an experienced PHP Web developer or a newbie developer, it is important to understand and decipher the benefits of languages in terms of programming constructs or syntax.

A related issue is the bias of experienced developers. Talk to a PHP developer and they will give you rave reviews that nothing is better than PHP. Discuss with a Python developer and they will start highlighting all the good things you could do with Python. In general, very few developers would have say positive about any other language which they do not use.

Ease of Learning

Python offers a quick learning curve. It is easy to master and can be learnt quickly. In fact, Python offers such a simple learning curve to pick up that most programming courses for beginners use Python programming language to teach fundamentals of programming.

Short and easy-to-write, Python has become one of the preferred programming languages for application development. With a short syntax and extremely readable code, Python offers simplicity.

Dynamic Community Support

Python and PHP have excellent community support and have been in existence for quite a while, to develop robust web applications. Both have a huge ecosystem of developers ready to support and effectively maintain applications.

There are loads of Python and PHP developers across the globe continuously developing applications. As a result, community support is outstanding for both. Python gained popularity when Google started using it for highly popular apps like YouTube. On the other hand, PHP must be noted that the world’s largest social network – Facebook has been written using PHP as the primary backend.


Python provides a powerful debugger called PDB (Python Debugger) which is easy to use. PHP, on the other hand, provides XDebug package for debugging. Both PDB and XDebug provide debugging features – breakpoints, stacks, path mapping and more.

Development Logic

The difference between PHP and Python is orientation. Python is aspect-oriented, whereas PHP is object-oriented. With Python, the developer can create a separate functional module and register the connections, resulting in an algorithm that executes this or that program block based on the user’s actions. Working with PHP means creating an integral code object with properties that executes actions based on the input of user.


PHP’s syntax is similar to the syntax of C. When writing the code using PHP, curly brackets, additional characters and operators, and other C elements are used. Further, working with PHP is neglect of white spaces during the compilation, which brings usability and gives the capability to structure the code into logical components with are simple to use.

The syntax of Python is based on the separation of the code with spaces and tabs, which significantly speeds up the process of coding, but increases the possibility of careless errors. Considering Python, it’s also worth noting the simplicity of commands. In fact, most of the commands in this language are similar to the corresponding words in natural English, which makes it much easier to learn. If you are interested in learning either language, you can find additional tutorials to learn Python and learn PHP.

There are several more things to know about PHP and Python, including their features, similarities, and frameworks. Both languages play a predominant role and have created a buzz in the web development industry.

However, PHP and Python both play their individual roles and it is essential for the Web developers to understand development requirements as per their project. Along with this, developers should have in-depth knowledge about PHP and Python both. Ultimately, it will help them to choose the right language for their project.

Let’s know more about these programming languages through Various Infographics including the market share and specific features.

PHP Overview

PHP Overview

 Top PHP Usage by Websites

Web Development Using PHP

PHP Frameworks and Features

features of PHP framework

Python Overview

Phthon Overview

Python Usage By Websites

website Development With Python

Popular Python Frameworks and Features 

Python frameworks & Features

Difference Between and PHP and Python

php vs python


For all the points discussed, both Python and PHP are similar to each other. For others, Python is better than PHP. It entirely depends on your business goals and objectives, as well as technology expertise.



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