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How to Nurture an App Idea into Lucrative Product? – Part 2

  • By Hidden Brains
  • February 19, 2018

how to build a mobile app from scratch

How to Build a Mobile App From Scratch?

More than to be treasured, app idea is something to be nurtured for its realization in real world. To explain the crux of previous blog on ‘how to nurture an app idea into lucrative app product – part 1’, consider going through following pointers:

  • Envisioned app needs to be address one or more common problems of target user base
  • Share your thoughts of app idea with others to know their honest opinion, feedback and reviews.
  • Conduct a thorough market research to know the scope of envisioned app in the target market.
  • Get competitors overview to offer something unique from them and make your mark in the existing landscape.

One thing to note about the journey of  build a mobile app from scratch is that the process remains the same irrespective of platform you wish to target – be it iOS or custom Android application development. Based on this understanding, let us move ahead in this journey to know the remaining aspects of building a monetizing app product:

Sail in Troubled Waters with a Co-Founder

Start searching for someone who believes in your app idea and has the passion to transform that idea to a reality. Experts’ advice entrepreneurs to have one or more co-founders over being a solo founder.  This enables you to enjoy the perks of having co-founder, some of which are listed below:

  • Problems may come up at any stage. At that time you would need the perspective of another person that understands your business like you do. Who else could give neutral opinion other than a co-founder? It is important that you have an opposing view to be successful in any venture.
  • One sure shot benefit of having co-founder is reduction in expenses. The opportunity to work with a co-founder allows splitting the initial costs of getting a working product or prototype going. This ensures you get enough support, which will in turn allow you to raise funds at a better valuation.
  • Having a co-founder with complementary skill sets increases your chances of succeeding. Partners come from a different background, be it marketing, tech or finance. This enables to allocate responsibilities in a structured manner.

iOS or custom Android application development requires enormous amount of work to be done in limited time. The best part about having co-founders is that it distributes mountains of stress.

Invest Time to Validate App Idea

Minimum viable product (MVP) is a miniature of your envisioned mobile app. This step ensures you are moving ahead with the right idea to get the desired outcomes. Trial working version of app breaks imaginary bubbles and gives a clear vision of how your idea would look like after it is completely groomed.

On the other hand, building MVP is an effective way to gather hands-on, real-world feedback from actual users. Experts suggest building a basic version of app and releasing it into the market. Waiting to build an app with an array of complex features does not make sense as it is recommended to mark a presence in App Store at the earliest and start gathering users.

Development of app continues after its release to Store in terms of adding more features, functionalities and working upon suggestions and reviews of users. This ensures that your app has made its entry to the market and marketing team is promoting it to gather a dedicated user base. Meanwhile, development team can continue their work on app in terms of addition of features and improving user interface.

Key to Success: App Marketing

Marketing and promotions is the best way to spread a word about your innovative and unique app among target audience. Strategy for app marketing must be defined well before the launch of app to the Store. Experts suggest proper combination of pre-launch, during launch and post app release to get the expected results.

Experts recommend entering the early adopter market first and then making a transition to mainstream population. This defined approach helps in fixing bugs, responding to customer concerns, winning the hearts of users and steadily building a brand reputation.

Getting good response from early adopters is easy as they are keen to use new tech products, app, services or solutions. On the other hand, mainstream consumers want security, dependability and brand recognition before giving it a try.

Viral marketing is an effective way to get attention in today’s tech-centric world. Businesses no more spend lots of money on conventional marketing as it helps in targeting and converting a small fraction of that traffic to active customers.

Whereas in case of viral loops, users can be transformed into ambassadors that promote your app and get new users. One sure shot trick of viral marketing is to ‘offer new users something of value’. The most successful example of this type of marketing is Uber – the company introduced referral system and benefits that encouraged existing users to spread word about the app to new ones. Considering the success ratio of this strategy, it was later on accepted by several app marketers.

Conclusion of App Development Strategy

Associate with a reliable mobile app development company that can help to drive through the journey from nurturing app idea into build a lucrative app product. Hidden Brains is a trustworthy app development partner that stays by your side during the entire lifecycle. Discuss your app idea or business requirements with our professionals who are experienced in delivering mobile app that gets featured in the Store. Let’s discover possibilities together!

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