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Why and How AR and VR in Mobile App Development Is Setting a Trend?

  • By Hidden Brains
  • May 31, 2023
Introduction to Augmented Reality AR and Virtual Reality VR in Mobile App Development

Do you also believe that implementing AR and VR in Mobile app development has become a central concern of tech investors?

Well the way emerging technologies are boldly paving their way and leaving a roaring impact in various industries, it’s no doubt that now is an alarming time to gear up to integrate new technologies into the existing basic applications. 

And Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are witnessing the two strongest technologies in the world of mobile applications that are rapidly transforming the way users interact with digital content. 

Wondering how it is matter to your business? Why they are becoming a new hue of the town and why people are going crazy about AR/VR-based applications?

Well, whether you are a startup or a leading entrepreneur who is looking for ways to establish a strong foothold in the thriving app market, then it’s the right time to hire a mobile app development company in the UK. Organizations that really want to see themselves alive in the market in the near future, should dig deep into this content to understand its pros, cons, its use cases, challenges of implementing it, and cost…

So let’s start with the basics….

The Increasing Role of AR and VR Technologies in Mobile App Development

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage and captivate their audience. One groundbreaking solution that has gained tremendous traction is the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies into mobile app development. 

The power of AR and VR lies in their ability to create immersive and interactive experiences that transcend traditional limitations. As a result, the role of AR and VR in mobile app development has become increasingly significant, offering businesses unique opportunities to stand out, drive user engagement, and unlock new avenues for growth.

In fact, now businesses across industries have recognized the tremendous potential of AR and VR to deliver immersive experiences and drive user engagement. With the market for AR and VR technologies experiencing rapid growth, now is the opportune time for businesses to embrace these transformative technologies.

Let’s take a sneak peek at market statistics of AR & VR Technologies in Mobile App Development 

AR & VR in Mobile App Development

Image Source: architosh.com

  • According to the recent report of Grand View Research, the global augmented reality(AR) market is projected to reach a value of $151.88 billion by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 43.8% from 2021 to 2028.  
  • Another report market survey shares that the virtual reality market is expected to reach $62.1 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 21.6% from 2020 to 2027. 
  • According to the MarketsandMarkets report, the global enterprise VR training market is predicted to reach $6.3 billion by 2026, driven by the need for immersive and practical training solutions across various industries.  
  • As per Statista’s report, the e-commerce sector is experiencing significant growth in AR and VR adoption, with AR in the retail market expected to reach $11.14 billion by 2025, driven by the demand for enhanced shopping experiences and increased consumer engagement. 

Surely, these statistics are encouraging you to get started with an app that is empowered by AR and VR technologies. By leveraging the power of AR and VR technologies in mobile app development, businesses can tap into a burgeoning market, enhance user experiences, and gain a competitive edge in their respective industries. 

However, before you get started with these technologies, it is important to understand how it will benefit your business…

What are the Benefits and Opportunities Businesses Can Gain From Integrating AR and VR Into Their Mobile Apps?

In today’s ever-evolving technological landscape, new mediums continually emerge to captivate users and deliver immersive experiences. One such groundbreaking innovation is the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies. 

Giants like Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft have recognized the immense potential of AR and VR and are committed to advancing these technologies.

If you are still wondering why you should hire a software development company in the UK to integrate AR and VR into mobile apps, then you should know these reasons.

1. Enhanced User Engagement

AR and VR experiences captivate users by transporting them into interactive and immersive digital worlds. They allow users to engage with content in a more dynamic and personal way, creating memorable experiences that leave a lasting impact. Through realistic simulations, virtual tours, or interactive games, AR and VR technology enables businesses to provide engaging and immersive interactions that enhance user engagement.

“In a case study by IKEA, the introduction of AR-powered product visualization led to a 60% increase in user engagement and a significant decrease in product returns. 

According to a study by Ericsson ConsumerLab, AR and VR users spend up to 80% more time using apps compared to traditional mobile apps”.

Studies have proven that AR and VR in mobile app development can help you engage users for longer.

2. Improved Customer Experience

In this cut-throat competitive world, establishing a benchmark with your application is one of the most challenging tasks for businesses. But the simple way to achieve that is to offer excellent customer experience to the users. 

By using AR and VR technologies in mobile apps can help enhance product visualization and customization, allowing users to visualize products in real-world settings before making a purchase. By offering virtual try-on features, customers can virtually “try before they buy,” increasing confidence in their purchasing decisions. 

Additionally, augmented product information provides customers with detailed specifications and interactive elements, enabling a more informed and satisfying shopping experience.

For instance:

L’Oréal’s virtual makeup try-on feature increased customer satisfaction and purchase intent by 36%. 

Virtual try-on features and augmented product information have been shown to boost customer satisfaction. 

3. Boost Sales and Conversions by 3 Times

AR and VR implementations in e-commerce and retail industries have shown impressive results in boosting sales and conversions. By hiring an Augmented Reality development company in the UK, you can easily integrate these technologies and able to boost business sales. Let’s check out the case studies of North Face and Sephora, and how they have witnessed a great jump in their sales after VR implementation into their business. 

“The North Face’s use of VR to provide virtual expeditions resulted in a 50% increase in-store conversions. 

Sephora’s AR-powered virtual makeup try-on feature led to a 200% increase in app downloads and a higher conversion rate.”

AR and VR can influence purchasing decisions by offering an immersive and interactive experience that builds trust and confidence in the products. By reducing uncertainty and allowing customers to visualize products in their own environments, businesses can minimize returns and increase sales growth.

4. Adds a Competitive Edge To Your Business

Embracing emerging technologies like AR and VR gives businesses a competitive edge by:

  • Differentiating their Brand: By offering unique and innovative experiences, businesses stand out from competitors, attracting customers who seek cutting-edge interactions.
  • Staying Ahead of the Competition: Early adoption of AR and VR technologies positions businesses as industry leaders, fostering a reputation for innovation and forward-thinking.

Implementing AR & VR in mobile app development can help businesses to make their brand at the market curve and be able to grab the attention of the users.

5. Get Data-Driven Insights With AR and VR Technologies

AR and VR technologies provide businesses with valuable data insights and analytics to optimize their strategies:

  • Understanding User Behavior and Preferences: By tracking interactions within AR and VR experiences, businesses can gain insights into customer preferences, enabling targeted marketing campaigns and personalized offerings.
  • Lead To Higher Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: By analyzing user interactions, businesses can identify pain points and optimize the customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction, loyalty, and repeat purchases.

6. Make Your Business Future-Ready

Integrating AR and VR into mobile apps allows businesses to future-proof themselves by:

  • Adapting to Market Demands: As AR and VR technologies continue to evolve, businesses that have already integrated them will be better positioned to adapt to changing market demands and consumer expectations.
  • Harnessing Technological Advancements: By embracing emerging technologies early on, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and leverage new features and capabilities as they become available.

So these are the few opportunities that businesses can get by implementing AR & VR in mobile app development. But the central question is, what industries can use these technologies… 

By embracing AR and VR integration in their mobile apps, businesses can unlock a multitude of benefits, ranging from increased engagement and sales to improved customer experiences and a competitive advantage in the market. 

With the potential for industry-specific applications and future growth, incorporating these technologies becomes a strategic move for businesses seeking to thrive in the digital age.

What Industries Can Leverage AR & VR Technologies in Business Solutions?

While we eagerly anticipate the arrival of smart glasses that will augment our reality even further, the current gateway to this future lies within our smartphones. AR and VR technologies have already made a profound impact across multiple domains, including E-Commerce, social media, navigation, and education. 

With a projected market value in the trillions, the potential for AR and VR in mobile app development is vast. In fact, as software advancements continue to accelerate, businesses will have a unique opportunity to create highly engaging and transformative experiences that shape the future of mobile app development. To embrace this power, it is worth hiring mobile app developers in the UK with the right skill sets and experience.

Let’s check out how it is empowering various industries…

1. E-Commerce

AR & VR in Mobile App Development

Image Source: thinkmobiles.com

According to a report by eMarketer, the global AR and VR retail market is projected to reach $1.6 trillion by 2025, indicating the immense growth potential of AR in the E-Commerce industry.

AR has revolutionized the E-Commerce sector, enabling shoppers to inspect products virtually before making a purchase. In fact, studies have shown that customers are more likely to buy a product after experiencing it through AR technology. 

With AR, users can visualize how furniture would look in their homes or try on virtual clothing, enhancing the overall shopping experience and reducing returns. 

Read more to know how much it comes to develop an eCommerce App like Amazon.

2. Social Apps

A survey conducted by Snap Inc. revealed that AR experiences on Snapchat increased user engagement by an average of 20%.

With this fact, AR is reshaping the way we interact on social media platforms. Beyond filters, users can now seamlessly incorporate AR objects into their streams, fostering creativity and self-expression. By hiring an Android app development company in the UK, you can create filters for Android-specific applications to deliver an unmatched user experience. 

The ability to overlay dynamic and interactive elements in real-world environments has elevated social media engagement to new heights. 

Platforms like Snapchat and Instagram have embraced AR, leading to increased user retention and time spent on their apps. 

3. Navigation and Wayfinding

According to a market research report by MarketsandMarkets, the AR navigation market is expected to reach $14.2 billion by 2025, demonstrating its potential to transform the way we navigate our surroundings.

AR-based navigation solutions have simplified both indoor and outdoor wayfinding. By overlaying directions and points of interest in real-world environments, users can easily navigate unfamiliar territories. This technology has proven particularly beneficial for tourists, commuters, and individuals with spatial orientation difficulties.

4. Education

Research conducted by the University of Maryland showed that students using AR-based learning materials exhibited a 31% increase in retention compared to traditional methods.

AR has emerged as a powerful tool in education, creating immersive and engaging learning experiences beyond traditional classrooms. By overlaying educational content in the real world, AR apps allow students to interact with virtual objects, historical artifacts, and scientific simulations, enhancing knowledge retention.  

As the world adapts to evolving education systems, AR is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of learning.

With this, you must be curious to know how much it cost to develop an app using AR & VR technology…

How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App Using an AR & VR in Mobile App Development?

The cost of integrating AR and VR into a mobile application can vary significantly depending on various factors, including the complexity of the desired features, the platform(s) targeted (iOS, Android, or both), the development approach (in-house or outsourcing), and the expertise of the development team. Here are some cost considerations:

  • Development Resources: Hiring mobile app developers in the UK with expertise in AR and VR technology can be costly. The cost will depend on factors like location, experience level, and the scope of the project. Still, the average cost to hire Augmented Reality developers can be starting from $20 to $30 per hour in the UK. 
  • Technology and Tools: AR and VR development often requires specialized software development kits (SDKs) and tools. Some SDKs may have licensing fees associated with their use.
  • Content Creation: Creating high-quality 3D models, animations, and visual assets for AR and VR experiences can be time-consuming and costly. The complexity and quantity of content required will influence the overall cost.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance: Thorough testing and quality assurance are essential to ensure the optimal performance and user experience of AR and VR features. Allocating resources for testing and bug fixing is necessary.
  • Integration and Maintenance: Integrating AR and VR functionalities into an existing mobile app infrastructure may require additional effort and ongoing maintenance costs to ensure compatibility and updates as technology evolves.

All in all, if it comes to concluding these factors, to sum up, the average app development cost using AR & VR in Mobile app development, then it will be ranging between $15,000 to $35,000+ depending upon the complexity of the project and business requirements. 

Conclusion: How Do Hidden Brains UK Can Help You Integrate AR & VR Technology In Mobile App Development?

At Hidden Brains UK, we understand the transformative power of AR and VR technologies in mobile app development. With our expertise in cutting-edge technologies and a team of skilled developers, we can help your business integrate AR and VR seamlessly into your mobile apps. By hiring a mobile app development company in the UK, you can develop an app that offers everything right from enhancing user engagement to improving customer experiences and driving sales growth, we offer end-to-end solutions tailored to your specific needs. 

So if you are still managing your business with the basic app that needs to level up with the integration of AR and VR technology then Contact Us for more details and stay up in this competitive market.


How can AR be integrated into a mobile app?

AR can be integrated into a mobile app using AR development frameworks and libraries such as ARKit (for iOS) and ARCore (for Android). These platforms provide tools and APIs to detect and track real-world objects, overlay digital content, and create interactive AR experiences.

Can AR and VR be integrated into the same mobile app?

Yes, it is possible to integrate both AR and VR into the same mobile app. By leveraging the capabilities of ARKit, ARCore, and VR development platforms, developers can create applications that combine both augmented and virtual reality elements.

Are there any limitations or challenges in integrating AR and VR into mobile apps?

Some challenges include optimizing performance to ensure smooth rendering and tracking, managing device compatibility across various platforms, and designing intuitive user interfaces for AR and VR interactions. Additionally, the availability of advanced hardware features like depth-sensing cameras or motion controllers may vary across devices.

Can existing mobile apps be retrofitted with AR and VR capabilities?

Yes, existing mobile apps can be retrofitted with AR and VR capabilities. This process involves analyzing the app’s requirements, identifying areas where AR or VR can enhance the user experience, and integrating the necessary SDKs and APIs to enable the new features.

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