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Why should you Choose CodeIgniter Framework for your Next project?

  • By Hidden Brains
  • November 23, 2021

CodeIgniter development company

CodeIgniter is a popular PHP framework. It has gained immense popularity among web developers and allows to simplify the development process and boost productivity. This framework is a simple and elegant toolkit that helps deliver full-fledged solutions in the market.

It has different built-in features and supports various libraries, making it the foremost choice for the web development process. CodeIgniter is also easy to install, and programmers can leverage the advanced features such as faster loading, better security, and many other attributes with it.

In this blog, let’s discuss the CodeIgniter framework in-depth with its features and why this framework is best suited for your next development project?

Know All About CodeIgniter

According to Wikipedia, “CodeIgniter is an open-source software rapid development web framework, for use in building dynamic web sites with PHP. “This is a powerful and lightweight – MVC-based framework.

It is written in PHP and also supports the cross-platform development process. Most developers opt for this framework as it requires less coding and offers extensive testing methods that allow coders to launch error-free and high-performance-based applications in the market.

How does CodeIgniter work?

This framework is based on the MVC model that refers to the Model View Controller. When a user browses the solution and waits for a response, in this case, the controller responds first to the request, understands the actions, and initiates the request process.

In case, if a customer requests a specific ID and the user needs to mention it, then the controller will receive the request and request the model to reclaim the record of the particular user code. This advances the outcomes into a format that is easy to understand without any technical skills. The browser automatically displays the results to the user.

Major Benefits of the CodeIgniter

Model View Controller System

The MVC refers to Model View Controller. Codeigniter PHP framework is based on this architecture pattern that separates the development process into three main logical components – Model, View, and Controller.

It is the most used industry-standard web development tool to build secure and scalable web applications. It is the most used framework and provides complete control over the system.

How does MVC Architecture work?

The browser sends a request to the Controller
The Controller interacts with the model to send and also receive data.
Lastly, the view will send the final presentation to the Controller and the final information for the user outcome.

Highly Secure

Security is the primary concern of the web development industry. When it comes to the Codeigniter framework, it has inbuilt tools and also supports advanced security technologies that include XSS Filtering, CSRF protection, Password handling, and Input data validation.

The different supported technology allows users to secure passwords and protect data and information from several hackers and virus attacks.


This framework is based on the lightweight functionality that sorts the different challenges and supports many libraries and toolkits as per the project requirements. It allows to keep the framework lightweight and leverage the advanced functionalities via third-party integration services. The third-party integration tools allow simplifying the development process as well as boosting the web development process.

Less Coding

With CodeIgniter, developers have to opt for less coding that leads to better results. This also delivers to the rapid development process and turns into an error-free coding process. It also makes the debugging procedure more accessible and faster.

Coding is a major challenge for web developers. Still, with Codeigniter, developers can overcome this challenge and ensure you can launch error-free code-based solutions in the industry with less effort and without any hassle.

Robust Templates

Codeigniter framework has an inbuilt templating engine that delivers successful solutions in the market with a better understanding of the project layout from the initial stage.

SEO friendly URLs

This framework offers a standard SEO-friendly approach. It delivers SEO-friendly URLs to the users to improve their ranking on the different search engines. Moreover, they are easy to understand and maintain with a segment-based approach compared to other platforms.

These were the major functionalities of the Codeigniter Framework, but now it is essential to know why you should opt for it.

Reasons to Choose Codeigniter for your next Project

Faster Implementation Time

CodeIgniter framework delivers faster response times as compared to other PHP frameworks. It boosts the implementation time and also matches the execution speed that excludes all the time limitations.

Less Coding and More Results

Codeigniter’s other benefit is that it simplifies the web development process in terms of coding. As it is the prime member of the PHP universal language, programmers know how to deal with the coding attributes and so offer a rapid web development process. Furthermore, by choosing Codeigniter Framework, developers don’t have to depend on third-party integration services.

Easier to Manage Errors

This technology allows developers to manage different errors and turn the framework into a more convenient way to enable developers to handle other issues and complexity.


CodeIgniter is the most popular and fastest-growing programming language. It offers a vast number of functionalities to the programmers that allow them to simplify the complex development process and boost the programmers’ productivity. To leverage all the benefits of this technology, partner with Codeigniter development company.

In this blog, we have mentioned the Codeigniter Framework and the reasons why you should opt for it. Also you will get to know about best & custom PHP development services from this article.

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