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Quick Tips to Hire Android App Developer for Your Project

  • By Hidden Brains
  • April 13, 2021

Hire Android App Developers

If you are planning to Hire Android App Developer to build your mobile application, this blog provides insights and tips that will help the right developer for your project. Hiring Android developers is a daunting task, however, we provide quick tips to find Android developers for your project.

What Technical Skills are required for an Android Application Developer?

  • Expertise in Java, Kotlin or Both
  • Android Software Development Kit (Android SDK)
  • Experience with SQL
  • KNowledge of XML Basics
  • Material Design Guidelines, Interface & Libraries
  • Android Studio

How to Hire Mobile App Developer

Hiring Remote Android Developer: When it comes to hiring developers, there are two ways of hiring remote Android developers‒ use freelance websites or partner up with a mobile app development company offering a dedicated team of Android app developers for hire.

Do you want to hire expert developers for your project?

Skill Level for Android developers

  • Junior Android Developer
    – Less than 3 years of experience
  • Mid-level Android Developer
    – 3+ years of experience
  • Senior Android Developer
    – 5+ years of experience

When you partner with a trusted offshore Android app development company, you can significantly improve the speed of development working with a team of designers, testers, and coders. Everything boils down to your business requirements and budget.

Here are tips to hire Android app developer for your project

Check Portfolio of Developer on Google Play Store

When you are looking to hire a mobile app developer, it is important to assess the developer portfolio and analyze the complexity of apps. This will help you give an idea of the depth of experience of Android developers. Equally, it is important to find out their own apps in the PlayStore. But why is it important to have own app in the PlayStore? Well, this shows the real passion of the developer towards Android applications.

Knowledge of Material Design

Developer and designers are the cornerstone of success in Android app development. However, it is important to hire a developer with knowledge in UI/UX specifically to design Android app. After all, Android application development is a volatile process requiring tweaks or changes in UI due to product changes or new features.

Android comes with Material design a system of guidelines, components, and tools that support the best practices of user interface design to build high-quality digital experiences for Android. It is important to hire Android developer with knowledge of scenarios, guidelines, components, and tools driving material design

Contact Previous Clients

Remember, there are different aspects to consider before you hire Android application developers. While you check the live apps of Android developers, it is equally important to check the communication skills, proactive approach towards problem solving, as well as ability to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment. If you are looking to gauge the interpersonal and problem-solving skills of an Android developer, it is important to contact the previous client to get candid feedback on the client.

Client feedback will let you know about crucial personality traits of mobile app developers that will play a key role in making the developer a cultural fit of your team.

Knows product behaviour

Remember, you are hiring an Android developer who could transform a business idea to reality. You are not just looking for technology geeks with a lack of business sense, lack of knowledge about the product or inability to make valuable contributions to product design.

An expert Android app developer shows inclination towards product design, understands the flow, functionality and behaviour of product. Always look to hire developers with ideas and suggestions to improve the product and make Android apps intuitive, user friendly and robust.

Background in Open Source Platforms

Android is an Open Source platform providing complete flexibility to developers, making it very important for the developers to have knowledge about open source platforms, as well as emerging open source libraries.

Don’t Make Cost A Primary Focus

When you make cost as the only reason to hire an Android developer, there is surely risk for your business. Remember, low costs as a signal of cutting corners and employing poor development practices. In the race of cost, quality suffers and you might end with poor quality apps infested with bugs or glitches. Always, hire mobile app developers with a proven track record of working on Android applications of different size and magnitude for clients across different domains.

Analyze Business Centric Approach

Before hiring an Android developer, understand business centric approach and ability to align technology with business objectives. After all mobile application development is about adding value to business, streamlining operations and reaching out to customers. A savvy Android app developer will take a business oriented approach to solve problems of clients.

Experience to deploy on Google Play Store

Google PlayStore is inundated with new apps on a daily basis. Deploying apps is a tricky way forward to make it live. There are several conditions, guidelines to be followed. Look to hire an app developer who has deployed apps in the past, making things easy and streamlined for you. Google app store offers several features to leverage and gain benefits in terms of reaching out to users. However, if the android app developer does not have any idea about such features, it will take you nowhere.

Background in App Maintenance

Remember the tricky part of development is the part after the app goes live. There is an entire lifecycle such as testing of the app, bug fixing, update of app based on version upgrade and more. Before handing over the project to the developers, know the background of Android app developers in maintaining a robust user experience.


Hiring an android developer will ensure that your app development project runs smoothly with quick time to market. If you follow the tips before hiring an Android developer, you will not face any problems during the app development process. Make sure to hire an Android developer with a proven track record and portfolio.



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